About Us

Sakar Company was established in Iraqi Kurdistan since 1998 and during this short period it has established itself as
a realistic and highly dynamic system along the projects it has implemented
The high performance that Sakar represents stems from the belief that any industrial and marketing activity must
rely 100% on highly experienced employees, which is what Sakar realizes very clearly and at the present time we
can proudly announce that we have the best experts in construction and petroleum projects.
As indicated in the company's resume over the past 22 years, we have been trying to establish a new scientific basis
for oil project activities and we have been focusing on Kurdistan as a safe base to start with and making it a point
for travel around Iraq as a future planning document.
Over the next ten years, Sakar plans to continue improving its resources and equipment even though we are now
one of the companies in the country that owns a wide range of necessary equipment, machinery and tools.
Initially, Sakar participated in Kurdistan reconstruction projects with regenerative UN bodies and organizations -
Resolution 986 Oil for Food ((Habitat, FAO, WFP, UNICEF) .
Sakar participated in the Taq Taq oil field projects with the Kurdistan Regional Government since the beginning of
the work for the production of crude oil and the installation of surface facilities and after the liberation of Iraq in
2004 the limit of the day that our company continued with TTOPCO - Master Services Agreement for Construction
Works in the Taq Taq oil field and participated in the following projects:
• Construction Crude Oil Road Loading Facilities
• Crude Oil / Water Pipeline Construction
• Create a Central Processing Facility (CFP)
• Create a Transporter Loading Station (TLS)
• Building a power station
• Establishing the well sites and preparing for drilling operations
• Installation of safety systems and fire systems
• Establishment of a drilling waste treatment plant
Sakar Company also worked with:
1)We worked with SEDCO - Iraqi Ministry of Oil - Manufacturing crude oil and fuel oil tanks for Bazian Refinery -
2)We have participated in Taq Taq CPF2 works with (Weatherford) Civil Works supplying machinery and materials.
3) We worked with KAR GROUP -TAQ TAQ _KURMALA PiPE line Supporting concrete
4)We worked with GPK - Road construction, access, and site preparation for three oil wells - 2015.
5)We worked with OiLSERV (constructions SHEWASHAN 10,000 BPD EPF for GPK). 2017
6)We worked with (KPC) for KPC-1 -pipeline
Sakar has investment projects in Erbil - Koya, such as :
• Flour milling plant with a capacity of 100 tons per day, an
• Oil depot forstoring petroleum products,
• Mixing Batch plant,
• Plant for producing gravel and sand as building materials
➢ We have a joint venture agreement with "ALTCOM" LLC - Industrial Financial Group - for technology support
and Financial support for the development of new strategic projects
➢ We have a joint venture agreement with “ HAVATEK” forsupport us fabrication oil storage Tanks and pipelines
➢ We have a joint venture agreement with “ SERKON QUALTY”COMPANY for support us NDT CONTROLS (nondestructive) testing services with personnel and related equipment certified according to ISO EN 9712 and